Friday 21 March 2014

Friday Favourites #21

Oh, Friday!  How I love thee!  You are the gateway to the weekend and all the glorious doing nothing that comes with it.  I have a stack of books and comics to read, a snuggly blanket and my corner of the sofa (I'm a bit Sheldon about that).

Here are a few of the things I've loved this week...

Favourite Advice: 19 Tiny Things You Can Do To Make The World A (Slightly) Better Place

I loved this post from Sarah at about small random acts of kindness that are all totally do-able to make our world a tiny bit better.  I keep meaning to report the new pothole on our road to the council, so #10 is quite timely!  You should check out the rest of her blog, too; it's full of fantastically sage advice.

Favourite Geeky Stuff: The cutest Doctor Who animation ever

You all know how much I love Doctor Who, right?

This little animation made me love it even more.  The artist has managed to capture the personality of each Doctor within a scant few seconds.  It's glorious.

Favourite handmade: Eleven Things

© Eleven Things
My friend's husband has recently taken up pottery and he is turning out some beautiful pieces!  I have been eyeing up the coffee and cream set (and let's be honest, everything else) on his website.  In my head, they're tastefully decorating my (still) imaginary Welsh dresser.  One day I'll turn all of this into a reality!

Go look!!

And finally, check out this incredible video of Bristol!  I love our beautiful city!

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  1. I just sent the animation to my husband. It's so compelling! And the music! Oh, my heart!

    1. It's lovely, isn't it? Hope C enjoyed it too xx

  2. I'm a new reader and I'm so in love with your blog! <3

    1. That's so sweet of you, Marissa! Thanks so much for stopping by xx


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