Monday, 16 September 2013

Gromit Unleashed round-up, part two

Lucas with National Treasure
More Gromit hunting adventures!  (Part one can be found here.)

A lot of these photos are very hurried as we went Gromit hunting on their very first weekend out, and the city was absolutely heaving with Very Excited Gromit Hunters, young and old.  The atmosphere was amazing, though!

Above, Lucas is posing with National Treasure who was sponsored by the Royal Mint.  This was the only Gromit that we had to queue to see, with the queue snaking out of the upper gallery of the M-Shed.  I think he was worth the wait, though...
(clockwise) Jack, Being Gromit Malkovich, Butterfly, Where's Wallace?, Astro Dog, Gromit-o-Matic
Of all the Gromits we've seen, I think Jack was the one who had Dave the most excited.  He was thrilled to see him wrapped in the Union Flag--which was the right way up for once--and if it wasn't for the £35 price tag, we'd have been begging Gromit Unleashed to release a mini-figurine.

Lucas loved the Where's Wallace Gromit.  He barely remembers Where's Wally? but apparently Where's Wallace was hilarious!  I did overhear a few children who wanted to know why Gromit was wearing pyjamas so perhaps this one was mainly for the adults...
(clockwise) Steam Dog, Stats The Way To Do It, Lad, The King, Hound Dog, Watch Out Dog!, A Close Shave
Steam Dog was rather fabulous!  I do like a bit of steam punk and shiny always goes down well with me.  Stats the way to do it, lad! was very, very pink, but was also covered with interesting facts about the Wallace and Gromit films. For example, did you know that the rivets on the spaceship in A Grand Day Out were made from lentils?  No?  Now you do.

There were two Elvis Gromits--The King (on King Street) and Hound Dog (in the Arnolfini).  I thought that Gromit really took to a life in showbiz!

The Grommalo, Fish Tales, Zodiac
The Grommalo was awesome!  I loved reading The Gruffalo to Lucas when he was little and it was so nice to see all the animals from the book hiding on him.  Fish Tales was pretty cool, but it couldn't beat the magnificence of Zodiac who actually had stars in his eyes!

Gromit on the high seas!
Last for today is Newfoundland which was proudly positioned on the deck of The Matthew.  All day long we watched The Matthew sail up and down the floating harbour and caught fleeting glimpses of Newfoundland in the distance.

They briefly moored up at the Amphitheatre for lunch, and allowed us to board for a picture with Gromit, so we nabbed this quick picture.

Newfoundland Gromit

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  1. Great pictures, as always! Your photo of National Treasure is so much better than mine; I was there on a overcast day and my pictures of him are rather dull and dark!

    On another note, yay, another steampunk fan! There was a Steampunk Extravaganza day in Frome back in May with a market and an evening gig ( for my round up of the day). As far as I know, they're hoping to have another day next year! :-) x

    1. Aww, thanks!

      We were quite lucky with the weather when we were Gromit hunting! National Treasure really sparkled in the sunlight!


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