Monday, 23 September 2013

Gromit Unleashed round-up, part four

Sir Gromit of Bristol; your knight in shining armour!
I managed to get along to The Greatest Dog Show on Earth this morning--queued for less than an hour, result!--so I thought I'd best get a shuffle on with my round-up posts so that I can bring you my favourite parts of the exhibition later on in the week.  Can you say epic pic-spam?  Brace yourselves!

(clockwise) Patch, It's Kraken, Gromit, Poochadelic, Gromitosaurus, Sir Gromit of Bristol, Fiesta
Two cracking Gromits in this first batch.  I loved It's Kracken, Gromit for its superb punning and the fantastic design.  We discovered it on a rather sunny day, so the picture isn't all it could be.  It's very dramatic and a little bit Lovecraft.

Sir Gromit of Bristol is surely every girl's knight in shining armour!  Lucas and Dave decided to pose heroically, and now I quite fancy a Wallace & Gromit re-telling of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table...

Shipshape and Bristol Fashion
Shipshape and Bristol Fashion was a fantastic 'Bristol Gromit', celebrating lots of our famous landmarks and areas.  He also had a splendid backdrop of Brunel's Suspension Bridge.

Train station Gromits
Here are the three train station Gromits.  Luckily for us, Dave had to go up to London for work while the trail was running, so he claimed Classic Gromit for us when he was passing through Paddington Station.

We popped into Temple Meads Station one afternoon after we'd been at a Doctor Who convention in Yeovilton--I really need to get around to writing that up--and saw Isambark Kingdog Brunel and just inside the station, May Contain Nuts and Bolts.  Both fantastic Gromits, and much hugged by Lucas.

(clockwise) Doodles, Poetry in Motion, Malago, Gnashional Gromit, Vincent van Gromit, Lancelot
I'm not a cat person, but I really liked Simon Tofield's Doodles Gromit.  I might have to check out his Simon's Cat books.  Talking of books, I grew up reading the Beano comic book, and it was really fun to see Dennis the Menace and Gnasher decoupaged all over Gnashional Gromit!

Newshound & Tutan Gromit I at Bristol City Museum
I wrote about our adventures at the City Museum a little while ago when we claimed Newshound and Tutan Gromit I.

My favourite Gromit: Golden Gromit
This Gromit is absolutely stunning!  There's a fascinating 'making of' video that you can watch to see how he was created.  I love how it turned into a family affair.

(Clockwise) A Grand Day Out, Bushed, Lodekka, Dog Rose, Hullaballoon, Bumble Boogie
Bumble Boogie was a really fun Gromit.  There was a big red button in front, which Lucas made a beeline for...Being a veteran of many disaster movies I know that one should never press a big red button!  Just as I was about to scream, "Nooooo!" jazz music started blaring.  It turned out that Bumble Boogie was designed by Jools Holland and was accompanied by music by him.

Bushed was a real disappointment.  It seemed like a really low-effort Gromit design, and I didn't feel any warmer towards it after viewing it again today at the exhibition.

(Clockwise) Sheepdog, Carosello, Collarful, Grosmos, A Mandrill's Best Friend, What a Wind Up
We found Carosello and What a Wind Up with some of Lucas's friends from school.  We spent a fantastic Friday morning rambling around Bristol with loads of kids in tow, having masses of fun!

Sheepdog was quite clever; if you look closely you can see Shaun the Sheep driving Gromit.

(Clockwise) The Snow Gromit, Canis Major, Nezahualcoyotl, Grrrromit, Paisley, Why dog why
Lucas was super-excited to see Grrrromit, who was decorated like his tiger-striped Trunki.  He did look pretty fierce!

We all thought that Why, Dog, Why? was a bit of a disappointment.  I expected something more witty than a gold-painted dog with a question mark sign.  Luckily Nezahualcoyotl, I refused to even attempt pronouncing that one, was much more interesting.  He's a funky Aztec-inspired Gromit and was a lot of fun to visit. 

We're all done!
Here's Dave's last Gromit, Gizmo!  (I claimed Classic Gromit a few days later when he returned home to Bristol.)

...and we're done!  What a cracking summer thanks to Gromit Unleashed!  

Missed a few Gromits?  Check out my previous round-ups: 

Part one | Part two | Part three
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  1. Yay, you made it in! And great pictures as well :-)
    I loved It's Kraken Gromit and Isambark Kingdog Brunel; they were my faves I think (although there were so many fab ones, it's difficult to choose!).
    I did feel exactly the same way about Bushed, it just felt a little bit like "whats the point?" as if the artist hadn't even tried! Maybe there was some secret sort of message that nobody got,,, :-) x

    1. Yep! I got in at long last. Still thrilled about it!

      After staring at Bushed for five minutes in the exhibition, I don't think there was any kind of secret message in him. I think he was just a lazy design. When we found him in the RWA I thought he was underwhelming due to the lighting, but nope. He's just a sponge-effect bush. (Maybe I have a future as an artist? I could have done that!)


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