Friday, 2 August 2013

Friday Favourites

It's the first Friday of August and the last day of our Cornish holiday.  Yay and boo!  We've been very lucky this year and have had decent wifi all week at the farm--very useful for finding wet weather attractions--so I've kept up my late-night surfing habits.

Here are a few things I stumbled across this week.  I thought it might be fun to share them with you...

Favourite Geeky Find:

{image source: Radio Times}

A 35-foot tall straw sculpture of a Dalek in a Cheshire field!  How amazing is this?  It's certainly a unique way of celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who this year.  I was just going to bake some Dalek cookies with Lucas...this is going above and beyond!

Favourite Recipe:

{Image source: How Sweet It is}

I stumbled across this easy Thai Chickpea Curry with Coconut Rice while randomly surfing the information superhighway one night and bookmarked it.  This turned out to be an excellent decision as it made for a delicious and easy mid-week dinner while we were on holiday.  Very kid-friendly, too.  Lucas loved it and has dubbed it Cornish Curry.  Hopefully I can entice him into eating hotter curries now...

Favourite Cake:

{image source: Cake Crumbs }

Isn't this amazing?  The Southern Hemisphere of the Earth lovingly rendered in different flavours of cake, complete with inner-core, outer-core, mantle, and a perfectly vibrant blue crust.  The same baker has also made a complete sphere copy of Jupiter, but I have a soft spot for our beautiful blue planet so I wanted to show it some love!


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