Saturday 24 August 2013

A big apple from my little apple tree

Lucas has just come in from the garden with a huge rosy apple clutched in his hands, freshly picked from my little apple tree!  It's the first apple ever picked from the tree.

Once I stopped squeaking with excitement, I went down to the bottom of the garden and had a look at the tree for myself. 

There are about 20 apples on the tree at the moment, plenty on each of the three different main branches of the tree.  (It's a "family" apple tree, with two different eating varieties grafted on to the original tree.  I wish I could remember what each of the varieties are, but it's been ages since it was planted.)

We're going to give it another couple of weeks and then start picking. I'm so proud of my little apple tree!


  1. we used to have about five different varieties of tree at my old house - when we moved we only inherited a algae filled pond!! they look so tasty! xx

    1. Plant a family tree of your own! My tree was a Christmas present about four years ago and this is its first decent crop. So it won't take that long... (Alternatively you could start a fish farm in the pond!)

  2. You may shield your trees from weeds, pests, and bad weather by mulching them. By giving the roots the nutrients they require, it also helps to maintain their health. Every year, you should mulch your trees with a two to four inch layer. Avoid stacking the mulch up too high around the tree trunk as this can lead to issues. Utilize our instructions to create your own mulch!

    tree cutting near me

  3. Tree Surgeon SittingbourneExploring the tree must have been a delightful experience! It's fascinating to see the different varieties grafted onto the original tree.

  4. Tree Surgeon WaterloovilleIt must be incredibly rewarding to see your apple tree thriving and bearing fruit. Thanks for sharing this joyful experience!


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