Monday, 10 February 2014

The Year In Books: February

Last month I read Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories, an anthology celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.  Aside from one dud story--really disliked the Fourth Doctor's adventure--I thoroughly enjoyed the book.  I'd recommend it to any Whovian.

This month, after a lot of deliberation, I've chosen Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers.  I've had this on my wishlist for ages and February seemed as good a time as any to delve into it.  Mary Roach covers everything from the life after death of cadavers in the anatomy lab, and the interesting yet respectful relationship medical students form with them, through to cadavers in Body Farms furthering our understanding of human forensics and helping to catch killers.

I realise this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if you've got an interest in squishy science--on my first day at Uni, I gloved up in front of a full lecture theatre and was given a human brain to hold--medicine, or just love CSI/Bones/Dexter, then this may be a fun read for you!

Joining in with Laura's Year in Books meme.



  1. I couldn't hold a human brain if you paid me but I love all of those programmes and more. Bring on Stiff I say!
    What's up next??
    M x

  2. Ooh this sounds really interesting! I might have to add this to my To Read list. Thanks for sharing Angela! :D

    Jen |

  3. I love all of Mary Roach's books. I especially loved the one on NASA and space.

  4. I haven't read anything by Roach yet, but I'm always hearing great things about her books. I love nonfiction, so I really need to give her books a try :)

  5. Ooh I'm quite interested in 'Stiff' - I've never heard of it, but it's definitely right up my alley. I tend to lean towards non-fiction/true crime books. Enjoyed looking around your site! #SITSblogging

  6. I actually think I would enjoy it. :) All of the books I have read lately have been in the history genre. I'm a #nerdgirl right there with ya!

  7. I think I will like this one, it´s been awhile since I last read non fiction.
    Nice blog!

  8. I loved this book. So incredibly interesting - a topic I never thought I'd enjoy, but I couldn't put it down! #sitsblogging

  9. Oh no! No ore book recommendations. I can't keep up with my Goodreads lists as it is! ;)

  10. This book definitely sounds like it is right up my alley - and I need to look up that Doctor Who book immediately!

  11. I'm putting this one on my list! Thanks for the review! #Sitsblogging

  12. This sounds like a really cool book. I'm always looking for new and interesting things to read. thanks for sharing :) #sitsblogging

  13. Sounds like am interesting read. I wish I had a little more time to read. My baby keeps my hands full though. Thanks for sharing!

  14. This definitely sounds interesting to me! It's probably quite grisly but ever since I was a teenager I've been interested in the Burke and Hare stories and every year we go to Edinburgh, I keep meaning to visit the Anatomical Musuem but we still haven't managed to fit it in yet (my great auntie's parents actually donated their bodies to the Uni). Plus Six Feet Under is one of my favourite TV series! :-) xx

  15. I haven't heard of this book but it sounds really interesting. Adding it to my wishlist now!


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