Sunday, 23 February 2014


His first Butterbeer...
Today we went to The Harry Potter Studio Tour which was pretty damn amazing.  I loved every minute of it, especially as I neatly sidestepped the area where they were showing off the spiders who worked on the films!

Lucas loved the Butterbeer; I was way keener on the thick, butterscotch head than the thinner, slightly fizzy drink below.  (Does it remind anyone else of Irn-Bru?)  He had an epic foam moustache by the time he was half-way through the cup (£3, worth it for the iconic/novelty value) which left us all giggling uncontrollably!

More on the tour later this week...

Joining in with Jodi's 52 Project.

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  1. Can't wait!
    And I wonder if it's the same secret recipe that Universal Studios uses in Orlando? Wouldn't it have to be?
    I had two!

    1. Apparently it is a different recipe, I'm told the Florida one is a frozen version. It wasn't quite my idea of butterbeer, so I'm half-tempted to start messing around in the kitchen to produce a better version. The thick, creamy head was lush though!

  2. How fun would that be!! He looks pretty happy. #SITSBlogging

  3. Very, very sweet. So glad you loved it there :) My favourite bit was Diagon Alley - what was yours? xxx

    1. I loved the Weasleys kitchen best of all, followed by Diagonal Alley. I've always loved their house, so cosy and welcoming!

  4. Ahhh too adorable. I am also very jealous of your trip - I have wanted to go for so long!

  5. Oh wow it looks like you had a great time and could he look any happier? I can't wait to go :) x

  6. He's just so cute! I'm so jealous of you guys, I've always wanted to go to the Harry Potter studios x


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