Friday, 7 February 2014

Life lately...

Rain Drops
Well hello, there!

I seem to have been away with the fairies of late.  With all the horrid weather we've been having, I've opted to curl up on the sofa with a blanket and indulge in lots and lots of reading rather than do anything else, like, you know...blogging.  My poor little blog--consider this a big bloggy hug for it.

So, lately I've been reading...

I romped through half of The Husband's Secret last night and polished off the rest this morning.  It's a very easy read, but I can't really recommend it.  Yes, I found myself enjoying it, but what should have been a very complicated and emotional subject just wasn't.  There was some snappy dialogue but ultimately the characters felt like caricatures.  I wanted more and was, well, left wanting.

Prisoners of Time was the 50th Anniversary Doctor Who story.  It's taken a while for the collected versions to be available digitally, so each volume feels like a real treat.  I'm thoroughly enjoying the Fifth Doctor's encounter with the Rutans and Sontarans!  (And really looking forward to the Seventh Doctor story!  Might be a bit biased.)

I mentioned recently that I've been reading Cavewomen Don't Get Fat, and following its paleo detox protocol.  I managed almost a whole week of super-low carb eating before I succumbing to the charms of a Danish pastry and promptly felt dreadful.  I did lose 6 pounds which has stayed off and I feel much perkier after eating loads of green veggies.  I'm going to add in the occasional sweet potato and a little bit of cheese and keep on keeping on.  There's steak in the fridge, so I'm a happy girl.  (I should also note that my performance at the gym improved loads when I was eating uber-strictly which is a decent incentive.)

Mind The Gap is an ongoing comic series, which centres around the mysterious conspiracy surrounding the attack on Elle Peterssen on a subway platform by Jim McCann.  Elle's body winds up in a coma, but her mind ends up in a strange world elsewhere.  There are so many twists and turns, and few people are who they seem to be.  I've read all three collected volumes and I'm anxiously awaiting vol.4!  If you liked LOST then I'd totally recommend this to you!

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I've taken to buying a bunch of flowers every week or so.  Here's the latest bunch that are brightening up our hallway!  I think it'll be a traditional jam jar of daffodils next time.

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Lately I have also been window shopping for fabric!  I've signed up for a W.I. lampshade making workshop with an eye to making a shade for the upstairs landing light.  We've never managed to get around to buying a shade--it's not like we've lived here for six years...oh, wait... When I spotted the workshop it felt like it was Meant To Be!

I quite like this Heather Bailey fabric... I'll need to pop along to the fabric shop and see it in person this weekend and make sure the pattern isn't too overwhelming in volume.  If all goes well, I'll find some suitably geeky fabric to make a shade for Dave's Man Cave.  I'd forgotten that we don't have a shade in there either...whoops!

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Talking of the W.I., I have signed up to join our choir!  I've wanted to join one for ages, but the local choirs have either been horrendously expensive or too far away for me to want to drive on a cold and wet evening, even for the sheer awesomeness of a Rock Choir.  This one is just right.  And yes, I'm well aware that I sound like Goldilocks!  I'm rather excited as I do love a good sing-song and I haven't done much singing since the Gospel Choir that I was part of at Uni.  Time to see if I can still hold a tune!
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I have also been chortling with glee over this rather fun thing I found on Facebook... Possibly only funny to other mums?  I couldn't possibly comment on my style... *cough*Godfather*cough*

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Lastly, I am really, really looking forward to going on the Harry Potter Studio Tour in half-term!  I've wanted to go for ages.  They're having the animal actors visit during half-term which almost makes up for not getting to see a snowy Hogwarts!  I want some Butterbeer, pumpkin juice and pretty much every themed food on offer!!!

What have y'all been up to lately?

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  1. I really want to hear about the butterbeer and pumpkin juice! I can't believe I skipped the juice by accident.
    And congrats on the choir!
    Doctor Who book looks fantastic. I have a bunch of friends reading "The Husband's Secret." I just started "Goodbye For Now" which seems..intriguing.

    1. Oh, apparently they only sell the pumpkin juice in Florida. And the butterbeer is different, too!

  2. 'Tis fabulous to have you back :o)
    Three words: Rabid. Squirrel. Mum.
    M x

    1. Aww, thanks for the welcome back, I guess I just found myself in a bloggy funk...

  3. I've still not booked my Harry Potter tickets - I MUST get to it! I can't wait to hear about your trip. I love your flowers, super spring like and sunny, Just what you need in the house in such terrible weather. Thanks for sharing your books, I've been replanning the dining room and Miss L's bedroom so been spending more time than is healthy on Pinterest. Must get some proper books to read x

    1. Did you book them yet? ;) I'm really looking forward to the tour, too, Lucas wants a wand...oh the power of merchandise!

  4. It's lovely to see you on my dashboard again! Fresh flowers are so wonderful, they always brighten up the whole room perfectly <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. Aww, thanks, Jennie! Those flowers are still doing really well, which is a tad annoying as I've got a bunch of tulips sitting in a jug in the kitchen. I can't bring myself to toss them out!

  5. Yay! Good to 'read you' again. I read The Husband's Secret, and I agree, it was a bit damp wasn't it? I am rethinking the rating I gave it on goodreads. Isn't it funny how after a little time has passed, opinions on books change slightly. Or is it just me...

    I've gotten a little obsessed with looking for fabrics. That's a very lovely one, and a very good choice for a lampshade I think. I hope it was just as nice in the flesh.

    Jen |

    p.s. I realise the raindrops photo isn't yours but I have to comment on how great it is. It almost doesn't look real!

    1. I love the raindrops picture, too! Very apt for the weather at the moment.

      Dave isn't convinced that the fabric will work well with the current hallway colour. Finding something that works with the very peculiar colour the previous owners left us with will be tricky. Personally I'd paint the hall...if I could move out and avoid the disruption!!

  6. Had to laugh at the parenting styles. I think I am a bit of them all!! SITSblogging love!

    1. I'm a mix, too, but I do tend towards The Godfather style ;)

  7. I'm always looking for new fiction to read. I might have to check out a couple of those.

  8. You know, I read The Husband's Secret a few months ago and couldn't actually write a review of it as I just couldn't decide how I felt about it. It was riding high in the charts and great reviews were being written but whilst I partly understood the hype, another part of me felt like you did after you'd read it. Glad I wasn't the only one xx

    1. It was a real disappointment, especially as I had a Kindle copy and thought there was still ages ago. Turned out that there was an excerpt of the next book tacked onto the end, boosting the file size. I hate it when they do that!


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