Sunday, 9 February 2014


Lucas won an award at school

For the last couple of weeks Lucas has been a little bit sad on and off because he hadn't had a letter home in his book bag to say that he'd won an award for the end of term achievement assembly.

What he didn't know was that the school now sends text messages rather than letters which are easily guessable, once you reach the grand old age of seven.  I've had to keep up a nonchalant pretence when he's peeked in his book bag and been sad all over again.  "We all know you're brilliant, you don't need a certificate to tell you that!"

Even with Dave and I sitting behind him, camera at the ready, he didn't twig until just before his head teacher read out his name.  I don't think he stopped looking shocked until we'd settled in at Costa for a celebratory babyccino.

Our lovely wee man won a Mountain Mover award, the school's current highest accolade (yeah, proud Mum here), for moving mountains with his enthusiasm in learning.  (No actual mountains were harmed in his educational endeavours.)  He'll be off to school on Monday with his shiny new enamel badge proudly pinned next to the Trust Badge he won last year.


Joining in with Jodi's 52 Project.

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  1. Aw! Congratulations Lucas! And well done to you for keeping that one a secret from him :)

  2. At the start of this post I practically had my papier-mâché out to make Lucas an award myself!! Glad there was a happy ending. Stepping away from the PVA glue...
    M x

  3. Oh that's great news! A big well done to Lucas. :D

    Jen |

  4. Congrats to Lucas for moving mountains! And you for being the mama of a mountain mover, and thus being, a mountain mover yourself! (for that and other reasons too)

  5. this was such a happy post to read, it must have been so difficult to keep it a secret from him! massive congratulations to him, you must be very proud. x

  6. What a great name for an award, well done Lucas!

  7. Well done Lucas! No wonder you're so proud, it sounds like you've raised yourself a truly great chappy! :) x

  8. That's adorable! I'm impressed you were able to keep yourself from telling him, I bet it was hard at times!

  9. Great job Lucas! Keep up the good work!

  10. too awesome.. good for him and congrats to all of you.

  11. Congrats Lucas! I have noticed how the schools have been emailing and text messaging the parents about things. I remember being a kid and looking forward to showing off the achievement letters to my parents

  12. Way to go, Lucas! I remember my days of awards and merits. For kids, it's a time of great pride and accomplishment. Good for you, too, Angela! #SITSBlogging

  13. Awesome! Congratulations, Lucas!

  14. What a great photo and congrats to him! Finally stopping by for #SITSBlogging. Happy Saturday!

  15. That's awesome! Congrats Lucas! that's great that they are sending texts so the kids have no idea! Stopping by from #SITSBlogging.


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