Saturday, 18 January 2014

The year in books: January

There's nothing better than a good book, is there?  Falling head-first into the pages of someone else's story and re-emerging several hours later, as happy as a pig in mud.  I love books, but in recent years I've found myself reading less than I'd like to.

I was delighted when I spotted that the lovely Laura from Circle of Pine Trees had recently shared that she was feeling the same way.  So much so, that she's set up a regular feature on her blog to share the books she's reading, and is inviting fellow bookworms to join in.

This month I have chosen to read the Doctor Who 50th anniversary anthology--that's quite a mouthful--which features a story for each of the incarnations of the Doctors.  I am particularly excited to read Neil Gaiman's effort as his writing is always a treat, but I am being good and not skipping ahead to the end!

I have just started the Fourth Doctor's story after loving the first three, especially the First Doctor's Victorian adventure.  I'm looking forward to more amazing adventures!

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  1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing! Yes, I shall be back to sign up and join in when I'm not on my mobile. :D


    1. Hooray! Reading is so good for the soul, I don't know why I've let it slip so much.

  2. I love this idea even though I most absolutely definitely do not need to lust after any new reading materials!
    M x Life Outside London

    1. You could always work your way through that To-Read pile of yours! My next book will be one of those that I bought during a bit of a kindle sales spree last year :)

  3. Ooh this looks amazing, I love a bit of Gaiman!

    Jennie xo |

  4. Also love a bit of Gaiman! I like the idea of sharing more books and stuff - I read a lot but rarely share that kind of thing on my blog. Maybe I should! X

    1. I always love hearing about awesome books, so you should totally write about them on your blog xx

  5. Thanks so much for joining me! Yes, Neil Gaiman is always a treat, I love his advice to aspiring writers, too. Laura

    1. Nice to meet another Gaiman fan! Looking forward to seeing your reads this year, Laura!

  6. I really want to read more this year as well! Right now I'm in the middle of Jane Austen's Persuasion :) You're blog is absolutely lovely :)

    Rachel [at] AMomentInTime.


    1. Thanks so much, Rachel! I haven't read Persuasion for a long time--might have to do a re-read!

  7. Ooo I'll be interested to hear all about it when you've finished. I'd love to read that.

    1. I'll probably write a review of it, Liz :)

  8. Great idea! My family hasn't gotten into Doctor Who yet, but we want to. And Neil Gaiman's awesome - we saw him do a reading at a local comic book show years and years ago.

  9. I must get my hands on this! I'm a huge Doctor Who fan and it sounds like it's awesome! And of course, Neil Gaiman is wonderful. I really like his writing (although I wasn't a huge fan of "Nightmare in Silver").


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