Sunday, 5 January 2014

The 52 Project: 1/52

Lucas, running around with a big grin on his face.

Last year I greatly admired Lottie and Lou's portraits of their children as part of The 52 Project.  It didn't feel right to jump in more than halfway through the year so I bided my time to see if it would return for another year.  I am thrilled to say that this wonderful project has returned!  If you haven't heard of it, then you can find out more here.

Lucas is a right little poser when it comes to the camera; most days he'll start striking all sorts of crazy poses as soon as he hears a lens cap coming off.  Other days, like above, he starts running around like crazy, trying to avoid the camera.  Sadly for him, both Dave and I can now take photos in burst mode, so there's no escape!

I'm looking forward to the challenge of both improving my photography and also that of trying to capture him in stolen, quiet moments before he realises that I, and the camera, am there.  Basically, I need to become a ninja...

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  1. I know some ninja tips if you're interested...
    Can't wait to see a year of Lucas, he's a handsome fellow!
    M x

    1. Any ninja tips gratefully received! Still, when my birthday camera bag arrives I'll be able to easily take my camera everywhere and hopefully achieve a Candid!

      (Also, we just cut his hair, so brace yourself for curl-less Lucas!)

  2. I look forward to seeing your photos and ninja tactics as the year progresses! Good luck xx

    1. I am hoping to progress into more arty, considered photos. First I have to figure out how to create them, though :P

  3. Ah this sounds like such a great project, best of luck with it. Also, good luck with the ninja quest, I have a feeling it may be harder than you think hah! x

    1. Yes, you may be right about it being more difficult than I'd anticipated! I'm hoping to put together a photobook at the end of the year. It'll be fun to flick through and watch him change.

  4. I am terrible about keeping up with projects like this! I certainly take enough pictures during the year, but not on a weekly basis!


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