Monday, 2 December 2013

November 2013 in pictures

Goodbye November, hello December!

I can't believe it's December already; November went by in an absolute flash.  We're now counting down to Christmas--well, Lucas is...I'm counting down to the school Christmas fair.

We got our first Christmas cards at the weekend which has reminded me that I need to go on an epic quest to find my stash of Christmas cards.  (Buying cards in the sales is a great idea, assuming you can remember where you stored them!)

I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into Christmas baking.  It's not Christmas until the house is filled with the scents of cinnamon and orange.  Nigella's Clementine Cake is a firm family favourite and I'm also really fond of her suet-free mincemeat recipe, but it might be a little too late to make my own mincemeat... Mulled apple juice and mulled wine are definitely on the To-Make list.  And real hot chocolate topped with mounds of whipped cream.  Mmm...

Christmas is coming!

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  1. I love all of these photos. We went totally Tardis crazy with our Christmas tree this year. It has a blue core of lights..and a TARDIS tree topper. Oh, it's good.

    1. Your tree is absolutely IMMENSE, Tamara!! Will have to pop over to see the fully decorated tree. I'm looking forward to hanging my Doctor Who ornaments from our tree. (And then hovering nervously until it's all packed away, lest someone break them!)

  2. I can't believe it's Christmas so soon! Crazy days <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. I know!! Every year it leaps out like a ninja and surprises me. Thanks for stopping by, Jennie!

  3. Want to see a million photos of the Clementine Cake please. Stat.
    M x

    1. I didn't manage a million, but there are a few here!


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