Sunday, 22 December 2013

Deck the halls

This year it took the Christmas decorations going up to bring out my festive spirit.  As Dave flicked the Christmas tree lights on, I started smiling.  By the time the wreath went up on the front door, my happiness was complete!  I've been humming carols ever since, and outright breaking out into song in the supermarket!  (Apologies to local shoppers--Lucas started it.  Honest!)

In the hallway is my little 'twiggy tree'.  I was inspired by our recent visit to Swinton Park where they had gorgeous vases of twigs, liberally adored with a single colour of baubles, which looked fantastic.  I think my version looks pretty good!  I'm enjoying the display so much that I think I might keep the vase there all the time and treat myself to flowers.  It's also encouraging me to deal with the post more promptly, as otherwise it spoils the look.  Terribly shallow, I know, but surprisingly effective.

In the living room, we swapped the HOME letters that usually sit on our mantelpiece for NOEL, added a giant bauble and a shiny holly & ivy garland.  I keep meaning to buy a more convincing garland, but it twinkles really nicely when the tree lights hit it...

Dave and Lucas made the sleigh ornament for a competition at work!
It has proven ridiculously difficult to get a full-length picture of our tree.  We wound up getting a new one as last year's tree wasn't strong enough to hold my beautiful Doctor Who ornaments.  I wound up weighing the largest and heaviest decoration, fashioning something of the same weight, and wandering around shops trying it on tree branches until I found one sturdy enough!  I suspect that all the shop assistants thought I was utterly insane!

Finally, I've been slowly putting together a display of Christmas cards on the kitchen door.  It makes me smile every time I walk past it!

A Christmas tree of Christmas cards

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  1. Fellow Tardis-Tree Topper-Friends unite! And we have a K-9 ornament too! Thankfully we have a reason to look so forward to Christmas evening, that it's no longer a letdown when the presents have been eaten and the brunch has been consumed.
    Can't wait!!

    1. It seemed only right to put the TARDIS at the top of the tree :) I have the TARDIS, K-9 and two Daleks as glass ornaments. Hopefully they'll make some different ornaments next year!

  2. I'm liking the twig tree! I love the red baubles on it :-)
    Hope yourself, your other half and Lucas have a wonderful Christmas! :-) x

    1. Thanks, Louisa! Hope you and Andrew are having a fantastic time in Cornwall!

  3. I love your mantel display, it's beautiful! and my Mum does the twiggy thing every year too. It wouldn't survive in our house, with these pesky felines around! I came downstairs this morning to a turned over vase, squashed flowers but luckily the water had emptied down the sink and the vase had survived the tumble! I say felines, but it's one cat in particular that does it, it appears she just can't resist flowers and baubles. xx

    1. Aww, thank-you! It sounds like you've got a very strong-willed cat there, with possibly different tastes in decor to everyone else!


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