Saturday 28 December 2013

Christmas lights

One of our favourite things to do at this time of year is to take a drive around Bristol and look at the beautiful (and gaudy) lights that are adorning the city.  We discovered the Brailsford Lights in Brentry a couple of years ago and have loved seeing the display grow and grow every year!

The display is run by the Brailsford brothers, two builders from Brentry who put up a few lights on their Mum's house a few years ago.  When people liked it, they started buying more and more decorations in the sales and now they collect for the Wallace & Gromit children's charity and people come from all over Bristol and the surrounding areas to see the lights.

Just up the road from the Brailsford lights there are another two houses bedecked!

Love the polar bears and penguins!
Brentry is definitely THE place to go for "light-peeping"!  Closer to home we discovered a giant reindeer which is all kinds of fabulous!!  It's almost as tall as the houses beside it!

Have you gone out for a drive (or a walk) to see the lights in your area?  Or have you bedecked your house in them?

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  1. Wow I can't believe that's in the UK! Quite admirable! I only just about have the effort to fix up my fairy lights round my window that keep falling down.

    Caroline x
    Cocktails and Caroline

    1. I know!! They have carols playing and even a snow machine at the Brailsford Lights. It's quite a sight to behold! It's a far cry from a few icicle lights around the eaves of the house, isn't it?

  2. Wow that is crazy! I love to drive around our estate looking at the lights, it's a christmassy thing to do! :)

    1. It's pretty extreme, isn't it? The first house was actually on a documentary last year all about Christmas lights. Seeing the Christmas lights slowly appear in windows is the best part about it getting dark so early at this time of year xx

  3. Oh wow that is amazing! I've never seen anyone with as many lights around where I live. So lovely that they collect for a charity, what a brilliant idea!

    Jennie xo |

    1. They raised just shy of £4k last year, which is pretty incredible! The charity aspect is probably what keeps the neighbours sweet ;)

  4. I love "light peeping." I'm really going to miss it. I was driving around today and so grateful people generally keep them up into January (and sometimes beyond! My neighbors kept theirs up until St. Patrick's Day).

    1. They keep them up into March? Wow, that's hardcore. I'm reaching the point where I'm thinking about taking down the decorations already!!

  5. You know, i've never actually got round to seeing Brailsford lights! When Channel 4 had that documentary a couple of years ago, I said to Andrew we must go and visit but somehow we haven't managed it yet. We do usually try and visit the ones in Wells though (they were also featured in the same documentary) - the Manning Close Lights- although they had a year off this year so there was nothing to see! :-) xx


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