Wednesday 20 November 2013

Party with The Doctor!

Lucas, dressed up as Eleven a couple of years ago
Unless you've been living under a rock, it can't have escaped your notice that Doctor Who turns 50 on Saturday the 23rd of November.  As a long-time Whovian I am ridiculously excited and may have mentioned it once or twice...

Before the BBC announced their official Celebration event in London, I'd been quietly plotting throwing a party of my own.  While I'm super-excited to be caught up in what is sure to be near-hysterical mass excitement in the 'Smoke', I'm still slightly sad that I won't be at home putting the finishing touches to some fish fingers and custard, or proudly displaying a TARDIS cake.  (On the other hand, I am thrilled that I don't need to turn the house upside down to make it party-ready!)

If you've been thinking somewhat hazily that it might be nice to have something a little more exciting than a crumpled bag of jelly babies to snack on during the 50th anniversary special--or are throwing a last minute viewing party--here are some awesome ideas for party food, fit to grace any Gallifreyan table!

via Mike Daws on deviantART
I loved this Cassandra Lasagne, an edible version of the "last human", when it was posted on the Doctor Who Facebook page a couple of weeks ago.  You could always have a bowl of warm cheese sauce on the side to moisturise each portion!

You could go Old Skool with a Dalek pepperoni pizza... EX.TER.MIN.ATE it with your teeth!

How about some fish fingers and custard?  If you're not brave enough to dunk real fish fingers into your custard, then Domestic Sluttery has you covered with their (very convincing) sponge fish fingers.

via Domestic Sluttery
If you're feeling a little bit brave--and you can hear your Mum's voice saying that you must eat something savoury--you could always add some yellow mustard to mayonnaise for dipping real fish fingers in!

via A Typical English Home
The Adipose are very Russell T Davis, but I'm quite fond of the cute little guys.  I wouldn't be too upset if some of my fat just walked away.  These marshmallows adipose are a tasty version of one of the Doctor's cutest foes and incredibly easy to make, too!  They'd make perfect nibbles...

It might be a good idea to have some Jammie Dodgers to hand, in case you need to help The Doctor #savetheday with a biscuit!  We Brits can just open a packet, but if you live in a part of the world which is sadly without Jammie Dodgers, then you can make an (almost) copy of them.

To help your party go with a swing--and perhaps help everyone to emulate Eleven's wedding dancing stylings--how about some Who-themed cocktails?

(L) Sonic screwdriver cocktail, 11th Doctor edition (R) TARDIS cocktail
There are cocktail recipes for all 11 Doctors (I particularly like the sound of the First and Second Doctor's cocktails) and I've also discovered a Facebook page devoted to making cocktails themed after the Doctors and Companions!

No Doctor Who party would be complete without a TARDIS!  Being me, I'd always opt for a cake version, but you could cover your front door in a vinyl decal (or fabric hanging if your other half or landlord nix that awesome idea).

via Artisan Cake Company
If I was making my own TARDIS cake--and I'm seriously considering doing one for my birthday--I'd use this tutorial from Artisan Cake Company.  The whole process is beautifully explained.  It's just stunning.

However you choose to celebrate, have a wonderful 50th!  We'll be watching in glorious 3D with one of our friends--he's come all the way from America for Celebration, now that's dedication--and then thoroughly rehashing it over dinner.  I can't wait!

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  1. Oh, so much to love! We had a Doctor Who party once and a man did bring fish fingers and custard. Of course, the "fish fingers" were just lovely biscuits.
    I think the Cassandra Lasagna might happen here...

    1. I would really love it. Luckily Lucas--having seen this post--is now talking about having a Doctor Who birthday party next year. Fez for everyone, then!

  2. Replies
    1. How was the 50th for you? Did you enjoy the ep?

  3. Gosh your son is just the cutest!

    1. He was especially cute that day; he even got to pose with someone dressed up as Amy Pond :)

  4. I MUST have Dalek pizza.
    Love this post and I'm no Whovian.
    M x

    1. Your mugs suggest otherwise!

      I'll give the Dalek pizza a whirl for Lucas one day. Keeping the Dalek looking the proper shape will be challenging in my old and wonky oven, though!

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