Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

Batman and a ghostly bat pumpkin on Halloween, 2013
Trick or treat!
It's Halloween and any villains planning to play a trick on our neighbourhood will have to face the wrath of the Caped Crusader!

I spent the morning carving a monstrously huge pumpkin into the ghost-bat shape that Lucas chose, and let me tell you, pumpkin carving is hard work!  My fingers still feel like they're clenched around a tiny plastic tool.  Still, it's not bad for my first attempt at pumpkin carving!

We've spent the evening handing out sweeties to some very scary and some not-so-scary trick or treaters, and Lucas is almost vibrating out of his skin with excitement.  It's quite fun to watch!

My first attempt at pumpkin carving
OooOoooh, spooky!

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  1. Happy Hallowe'en to you both - fab pumpkin! xx

    1. Thanks, MissMelvis! Hope you had a great Halloween, too!

  2. Happy Halloween to you! Wonderful photo. It was one of the best I've ever had, despite the cold rain and sniffles/coughs we all four had. It was magical.

    1. I loved your Snow White costume, Tamara! We're all sniffly here, too. Lucas is on the mend but I've just got it, and feel dreadful. Woe.

  3. Lucas is the cutest. Great pumpkin carving skills there. Bet he was a happy young man :)

    Jenny | sunny sweet pea xx

    1. He had a great night and was pleased as punch when a very small boy got very excited to see Batman. "It's Batman! I wanna stay with Batman!"

  4. That's a very cute superhero you have there! And your pumpkin is amazing!! Ours always look so pathetic!

    1. His super-power is currently set to "adorable" rather than "scary"! The pumpkin turned out better than I expected...I printed off a template, pricked it on, then sawed away for ages. Lucas and Dave want to have a competition next year...maybe I could carve one of those small munchkin pumpkins instead?


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