Friday, 25 October 2013

Friday Favourites

This week has been super-busy--but awesome--with Lucas's birthday and extended celebrations!  He's had a brilliant time and I have happily wallowed in both nostalgia and maternal pride.

Last night I joined the Women's Institute, a new and funky branch has just formed down the road from our house.  They have a programme of events that I'm really excited about, and had beautifully bedecked the village hall with bunting and lovely little displays to illustrate the different sub-group opportunities.  A knitting group would be pretty awesome! They also believe that you can never have too much cake.  I think we're going to get on just fine...

The weekend promises to be busy, too.  I'm going to the Pretty Nostalgic Gathering at Kingsweston House and I'm looking forward to meeting other bloggers and being surrounded by pretty things all day long.  Lucas and Dave have decided to find more "manly" pursuits for the day...not even the promise of pizza cooked in a proper wood oven could tempt them!  Philistines ;)

Favourite Crafting Project: Crochet bunting extravaganza!
Gorgeous crochet bunting at Yarndale, copyright Attic24
© Attic24
This incredible crochet bunting was put together by the very lovely Lucy from Attic24, one of my favourite blogs.  I adore bunting and this immense, crowdsourced, crochet project is stunning.  It stretches for 1.25km--is there a Guiness record for handmade bunting??  It was created for Yarndale, a weekend festival of fibre arts and creativity in Yorkshire.  I am hell-bent on hanging bunting around the school hall when we have our PTA Christmas Fair in December and this one would be perfect, especially if I can pressgang people into helping...

Favourite Geeky Stuff: Doctor Who
Dalek Thay is studying the history of The Doctor
Lucas and I have been watching Doctor Who from the very beginning.  We started during the summer holidays and have just reached the Fifth Doctor.  (Lucas is devastated as he loved Four.  Hopefully he can find some enthusiasm for Five!)  He got a set of Cybermen for his birthday and they've been battling my Dalek for supremacy which puts a big smile on my face every time I hear him playing.

It's now less than a month until the 50th anniversary and the TV schedule is starting to fill up with all sorts of amazing Whovian programmes--really looking forward to Professor Brian Cox's programme about the science of Doctor Who!  I just booked tickets for us to watch the anniversary special in 3D with one of our friends when we're in London for the official Celebration convention.  Super-exciting!

If you fancy some book recommendations, then the Anglophenia blog has you covered!  I'd also add Tony Lee's "The Forgotten" graphic novel which was excellent.

Favourite Internet Find: Creative Mom Turns Baby's Naptime Into Dream Photos
Baby Dreamscape, ©
A friend of mine linked me to these beautiful naptime dreamscapes.  I wish I'd thought to do this when Lucas was a baby and falling asleep in the oddest places and positions!  My favourite is probably the circus one with all the toy animals watching the performance.  Tres cute!

Happy Friday, everyone!

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  1. My husband had trouble letting go of the 4th doctor too! I think he has successfully managed to get enthusiasm for nearly all of them throughout his life.

    1. I love them all, except for the Sixth Doctor. I tried to be open minded when we watched a few of his serials last week, but he was as abrupt and horrid as I remembered. Lucas didn't like him either.

  2. Yay! See you tomorrow in the Yurt! :-) xx


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