Sunday, 8 June 2014

What I Wore: South West Blog Social

I don't pose for pics very totally can't tell, right?
Okay, I'll be honest.  This feels a bit weird... never in a million years did I think I'd be doing an outfit post, but I thought I looked pretty cute yesterday and the photos came out quite nicely, so here we are in foreign territory!

This is the outfit I wore to the South West Blog Social in Exeter yesterday, minus an emerald green cardigan as it turned into a scorcher of a day!  The tea dress is from Sainsbury's and when I got to the till I discovered that it was in their 50% off sale, so a bargain £9!  It's a gorgeous print, and very comfortable to wear.  Joy of's a v-neck too!

The real star of the show is these fabulously bright footless tights that I ordered from We Love Colors on Kat's recommendation.  Not only are they beautifully opaque (and thus able to hide a multitude of sins), but you can actually get them in plus sizes!  This may not seem like a big deal, but plus size footless tights in the UK are only available in ubiquitous slimming black which leaves ladies blessed with substantial legs, like me, looking longingly at the pretty-pretty while morosely taking the boring and safe black tights to the till.  I bought a bright and cheerful green as well as scarlet, so as soon as I find the perfect skirt I'm going to have loads of fun!  (PS You'll have to pay Customs Duty on these tights, but I think they're worth it!)

I found these uber-comfy ballet shoes at ASDA.  I didn't expect to get my super-wide trotters in them, but not only did they fit...there was actual comfort involved!  They seem pretty good quality for £6, but for that price I've got no qualms about chucking them in the bin if they fall apart.

I had a great time at the Blog Social; it was lovely to see Louisa again, finally meet Michelle, and to meet loads of lovely new people!  Take a bow, Alex, Sarah and Kim!

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  1. disqus_k8R8UmI9Bk8 June 2014 at 16:46

    Loveeeee that you've done this and that it was a good day! You look WONDERFUL :) xxxxxxxxxxx Beeta

  2. Looking beautiful lady! I'm going to search for that pretty dress in my local Sainsburys tomorrow. Glad you had a good time at the blog social, I was desperate to go and meet all you lovely ladies (and spend time in my favourite city) but the commute from Appleby to Exeter was a bit much!

    Ann xx
    Prattle and Froth

  3. Great dress . You look wonderful. Love the dress/tights colour combo. Sounds like a great event.

  4. Check you and your outfit post out! I can confirm that dress and imported leggings were equally magnificent in the flesh.
    M x

  5. I know, right? I'm practically a fashionista now!!

  6. You might have to search hard for the dress--I'm jolly flattered that you want to go and buy one!--it was jumbled in with a bunch of other flowery dresses rather than being on a separate hook which makes me think end of season? It would have been lovely to meet you, but yeah...way too far to go for the day!! xx

  7. I loved your confidence in yrself and sharing your outfit with us

  8. Awww, thank-you, Bee! xx

  9. What a lovely outfit - you look fab! I'm a particular fan of the footless tights and might just have to invest in some myself!

  10. Thanks, Gemma! I'm trying to be braver with colour and so far it's quite fun!

  11. Shop around in the UK might have better luck with your size than I!! They are really good quality, though. Also--thank-you!!

  12. That dress is gorgeous, cannot believe its from Sainsburys! Looking lovely! :)

  13. duck in a dress13 June 2014 at 16:18

    And very good you looked in it too! Fab colours on an equally fab person :-) You'll just have to be careful now you don't turn into a "fashion blogger"! ;-) xx


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