Thursday, 7 August 2014

The Summer Tag

I saw this meme over at Dear Ms. Leigh's blog and thought it might be fun, especially as we've had a rather lovely summer so far in the UK...

What's your favourite thing about summer?

I love the light evenings--being able to sit out late in the evening, basking in golden sunshine is awesome.  I was still playing badminton in the garden with Lucas and his cousins at half past eight last night!  I don't sunbathe but I do love soaking up the heat in the occasional sunbeam. I may have more in common with cats than I'd care to admit!

Do you have a favourite summer drink?

Pimms!! Definitely Pimms. It's the epitome of summer drinks, with plenty of cucumber, mint strawberries and orange bobbing around happily in the jug... Mind you, with the scorching temperatures we've had so far this summer, anything with ice is good!

Is there a location you prefer to go in the summer?

I love pottering around old mansion houses and stately homes in the summer. The sunlight seems to bring them alive again.  I'm not much of a beach person...I get cranky about sanda in my sandwiches and ice-cream but I can be persuaded upon occasion...

Favourite make-up look for the summer?

This summer as per usual, I shall be rocking the au natural look.  Mainly because I am too lazy to be bothered with it!

Dresses or skirts?

This week I am rocking the skirts!  I packed for bad weather so my dresses have stayed at home.  I do love the whole dress-leggings-flats look.  It even (kinda) works if I shove on a pair of trainers for very touristy days.

Sandals or ballet pumps?

Can I say both?  I've spent most of the summer running around in sandals but some outfits go better with a pretty pair of ballet pumps!  Bare feet are always in style, too...

Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down for summer?

My hair goes up and down like a yo-yo in the summer. If it turns hot and humid then I'll twist it up in a trice. Otherwise it hangs down my back getting itself into all sorts of trouble.  The merest hint of a breeze causes major tangles!

Deep smokey eyes or bold lips?

Lips, always lips. I love a vivid, vampiric red lipstick.  Or a deep plum.  I'm not a fan of poking around at my eyes, hence I've never mastered eye liner, let alone mascara!

Favourite perfume for summer?

I love perfume, but I am dreadful at remembering to put it on. Usually it gets put away for best and then forgotten about. By the time I next think about it. The poor thing's gone off.  I do like Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea perfume, though. Perfect for summer!

Last but not least, what is your favourite music for summer?

We seem to listen to more 90s and 2000s pop in the car during the summer. My beloved Metallica just feels a bit wrong on a bright sunny day. The Cardigans Lovefool or Blur's Parklife always seem to end up on my playlist.

I suspect I'm late to the party with this meme, so if you haven't done it yet and would like to...tag, you're it!!



  1. I love the light evenings too! I always seem to get so much more done during the summer time! xx

  2. I reckon the sun gives us extra energy :)

  3. Nope you're not the last - I've only just done the tag this weekend! :-) xx

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