Saturday, 14 February 2015

The Big Chop!

New Year, new hair
So, for the last couple of years I've been mulling over the idea of chopping off all my straight hair and going back to an afro.  It's always stayed at the idea stage though as I can all-too-clearly remember tears every morning as Mum ripped an afro comb through my hair and it's cost me so much over the years to have it straightened so I might as well keep on keeping on despite my loathing of the hairdressers.  (Does anyone else hate vapid conversations about celebrities at the hairdressers, or is that just me?)

However, in January the idea hit me again mainly because I desperately needed to have my hair relaxed so I looked at Pinterest and discovered that I could do way more with my hair than sticking it in braids or wearing a mile-high afro.  So very tempting, but also a bit terrifying.

I popped into the hairdressers one Wednesday morning in January just to ask if they thought it would suit me, and before I knew it I was sitting in a chair, listening to the snip-snip of scissors and feeling my head getting lighter and lighter.

Bye-bye hair!
I won't lie...glancing down and seeing handfuls of hair littering the floor was a bit of a oh shit moment.  I don't do impulsive, and having 90% of my hair chopped off after a two minute conversation is pretty damn impulsive!

But, you know, so far so good!  It's been a month and my hair is so much easier to deal with--I feel, well, free.  YouTube has been an absolute goldmine of information; vloggers like Naptural85 and Chizi Duru have taught me more in a few videos than I've picked up in my entire lifetime.  I do envy their nimble fingers, though!  I've also spent a small fortune on pretty accessories for my hair at Claire's and Accessorize and for once I'm having fun with my hair!

Love wearing flowers in my hair!
If anyone's considering a big chop of their own, I'd say go for it! It's a bit chilly on a windy day, but I wouldn't change a thing!!


  1. What a difference ... it really suits you. One of those impulsive decisions that work out for the best!

    @ In My Playroom

  2. You look lovely! Really suits you, love it! x

  3. Really looks great. Really fab.

  4. Hi there! You look really pretty!

    I love your hair, it looks so nice and yes, a new hair cut is an excellent way to play with your new style!x

    Kezzie AG

  5. Ooooh I absolutely love it. Your beautiful tight curls deserve to be shown off. You look fabulous.

  6. Ooh I like! It really suits you, definitely one pretty lady there! xx

  7. You know I bloody love the new barnet but it never hurts to say it again!
    Looking fabulous lady
    M x

  8. I love this cut on you! You should show us all your lovely new accessories, maybe Lucas could model some as well hehe xx

  9. It looks blumming fabulous Ang xxx


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