Wednesday, 30 April 2014

April 2014 in pictures

April was a bit of a lazy month blog-wise, but we managed to cram lots of lovely offline things into the month.  I will get around to blogging about them--promise!

We had a lovely (and thoroughly gluttonous) Easter with all of the family and had several jaunts to National Trust properties.  There was baking galore, and plenty of crafting, and a surprising amount of sunshine.  Naturally this was followed by a week of rain, but for once I wasn't bothered as we had new turf laid and all the rain saved me from having to remember to water it!

In May, I'm going a bit crazy and blogging every day.  I've succumbed to peer pressure and am joining Louisa and Michelle in Rosalilium's Blog Every Day in May challenge.  Given how patchy my blogging has been over the last month, this will be a massive kick up the bum for me, and should also help me drag all those unfinished posts in my drafts folder, blinking, into the light of day.  I'm looking forward to it!

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  1. I need to hear more about that giant egg! Top right!

  2. That was a raspberry cheesecake Easter egg! Loads of yummy freeze-dried raspberries and chunks of biscuity base with raspberry puree rippled into the white chocolate egg. Twas delicious!

  3. Haha, I knew me and Michelle would make you crack! Good luck with the challenge and don't worry too much about missing a day or two or even blogging about a different topic.
    And that egg? Wowsers! :-) xx


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